Parent and Adolescent Mediation helps young people and their families to resolve conflict, and to develop new styles of communication. It allows for equal input from both family members to decide how their conflict will be resolved.

Parent and Adolescent Mediation helps young people and their families to resolve conflict, and to develop new styles of communication. It allows for equal input from both family members to decide how their conflict will be resolved.
Mediation is a voluntary meeting between people who have a dispute. Facilitated by an impartial mediator, the process aims to negotiate an acceptable resolution for all. Mediation can be an effective tool when you are in a situation that needs resolution but you can’t find away forward with the person/p
Conventional Family Dispute Resolution is conducted between you and your former partner, facilitated by an accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. Sometimes, if your situation is particularly complex or there is a lot at stake, having your lawyer present can assist you in discussing the matters at hand in a legally informed way.
It is a requirement under the Family Law Act 1975 that separating couples wanting to apply to the Court for a parenting order need to first indicate that a genuine effort to resolve the dispute by family dispute resolution has been attempted. Our registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners can help you through this process.
Family breakdown and parental separation can be a traumatic time for children. The family dynamics, rituals and traditions can change from one day to the next.
Separation can be a stressful and difficult time, especially when children are involved. Parenting plans can help to establish a clear and agreed way to manage parenting arrangements.
The one constant in life is change. At Relationship Matters we provide opportunities for families to come together to discuss changes effecting all members of a family, especially older members.
Yours, Mine, Ours – Dividing your Assets. Family Dispute Resolution allows separating couples to discuss, make decisions and agreements regarding the division of all property, money, liabilities and belongings.
Separation can be a difficult and challenging time whether you are married, in a de facto or same-sex relationship, or a grandparent. At Relationship Matters we provide flexible, accessible and comprehensive Family Dispute Resolution Services.
At times, life can get a little bumpy and we turn to family, friends or colleagues for support, we can also turn to Counselling.