Accessible Psychological Interventions (API)
Relationship Matters offers support to people who are impacted by mild or moderate mental health issues.
Our services can be accessed by you on an individual, family and/or group basis. This service is supported by South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (SEMPHN). This enables us to tailor a free, short-term service and better meet your needs.
What supports are available?
At Relationship Matters, we work to support people who are being impacted by mild or moderate mental health issues. We do this by providing evidence-based services that can be delivered on an individual or family/group basis.
When a person is referred to our API service, we meet with them, talk, discuss and plan out a program of supports that will meet their unique challenges and needs. A program may include:
- Counselling sessions
- Psycho-education classes
- Skills training (Communication, Parental, Social, Behavioural)
- Relaxation strategies
- Family conferencing
- Interpersonal therapeutic strategies.
Our aim is to support people to understand, manage and learn techniques that lessen the impact of their mental health challenges.
Who is the service for?
People are eligible to access the service if they live or work in the Frankston or Glen Eira catchment and have a health care card or can’t afford/access similar services.
If you have been assessed by your GP as having a mild or moderate mental illness you can access the service (Children under 12 do not require a GP assessment).
If you are experiencing any of the following issues, you may be eligible to access the service:
- anxiety or depression
- having trouble sleeping
- drinking more than usual and to excess
- panic attacks
- prolonged sadness and feelings of loneliness and grief
- feeling less able to control certain aspects of your life (food, mood, communication with others).
Involvement of Carers, Family and Nominated Support Persons
A carer is described in the Carer Recognition Act 2010. ‘Carers are people who provides personal care, support and assistance to another individual in need of support due to disability, medical condition, including terminal or chronic illness, mental illness or is frail and aged.’ This does not include a parent if the person to whom care is provided is less than 16 years old.
We value the importance of care relationships and you may choose to engage a carer, family or nominated support person to assist you in discussions. These discussions may contribute to decisions about your assessment, treatment and recovery.
How do I make an appointment?
To make an appointment you must first check your eligibility with the SEMPHN Access & Referral team.
Call (business hours only): 1800 862 363
If the team finds that you are eligible to receive the service, they will contact us, provide us with your details and we will call you to make the first appointment.
You can also ask your GP, other primary healthcare provider, social service or community organisation to refer you on your behalf.
How much does it cost?
The service is free to eligible people referred through the SEMPHN Access & Referral team.
How do I refer a client?
Referrals can be made by anyone including:
- GPs and other primary health providers
- Schools
- Social and Community based services
- Other organisations
- Self-referral
To refer, you can call the SEMPHN Access & Referral via:
- Phone 1800 862 363
- Fax: 1300 354 053
Download Referral Forms (including medical software templates) from the SEMPHN website
More Information
For more information you can call us on 1300 543 396 and ask to speak with the Coordinator of our API service or email at
More information can be found on the SEMPHN website
Download Mental Health Stepped Care Model brochure
This program is supported by funding from South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.