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Relationship Matters Geelong

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  2. Venues
  3. Relationship Matters Geelong
Events at this venue

Parenting After Separation – In Person (Geelong)

Relationship Matters Geelong 112 McKillop Street, Geelong, Victoria, Australia

Thursday, 18 April 2024 – (10:00am-4:30pm) (In-Person at our Geelong site) One Day Intensive Program. The cost of the Parenting After Separation program is $150 (no concessions available). Please note that all participants must complete a 60-minute intake session to be accepted into the program.  


Parenting After Separation, In Person

Relationship Matters Geelong 112 McKillop Street, Geelong, Victoria, Australia

Parenting After Separation Wednesday, 17 May 2023 – (10:30am-5:00pm) (in-person) One day program and cost is $150.
