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Wendi Hobbins, Executive Manager Client Services

Wendi Hobbins, Executive Manager Client Services

Wendi’s career includes over 20 years in executive management roles in the Victorian Community Health sector where she’s built a reputation as a collaborative and agile leader. Her experience spans clinical portfolios including medical, dental, nursing & allied health programs, disability and aged care, and drug & alcohol services. Wendi’s creative approach to strategic planning, quality improvement, risk management and business development have been pivotal in steering organisations through the ever-changing, dynamic public healthcare landscape.  Her work at North Richmond Community Health included establishing Victoria’s first Medically Supervised Injecting Room.

Inspired by the incredible stories of adversity and resilience within the marginalised communities with whom she’s worked, she is passionate about equity and access rights for vulnerable groups.

Wendi has a Bachelor degree in Social and Environmental Policy and a Master of Knowledge Management.